Further reading – relevant for both the IP and surrogate webinar sessions
Join SASS as an Intended Parent
Join SASS as Surrogate
Katrina Hale’s video: Altruistic surrogacy – Are You Up For It?
Facebook group Australian Surrogacy and Donation (ASD)
Anna’s post: How to find a surrogate #101
⭐️ Anna’s presentation: How to find a surrogate
Rebecca’s post: Spreading the Word
Overseas surrogacy: Growing Families
Surrogacy and IVF Acronyms
FAQs about surrogacy
Interview with 3 surrogates (in the style of ‘You Can’t Ask That’)
Monthly report of member numbers
Story sharing
Two dads + 1 surrogate = a beautiful baby boy
(Article written by Anna’s Intended Parents)
(Photo slideshow of Anna’s birth of surrogate baby, Baker)