Further reading as mentioned in the webinars

Registration links for upcoming webinars:

Regular webinars hosted by Anna McKie. Anyone is welcome to join any webinar.

Wednesday 4 September 8:00pm Sydney Theme Children of Surrogates Register
Wednesday 18 September 8:00pm Sydney Parent Tim Zhang (gay dad) Register
Wednesday 2 October 8:00pm Sydney Surrogate Kim Grieves (SASS surrogate) Register
Wednesday 16 October 8:00pm Sydney Parent Lindsay Renfrew (straight mum) (SASS mum) Register
Wednesday 23 October 8:00pm Sydney Theme TBC Link to come
Wednesday 6 November 8:00pm Sydney Surrogate TBC Register
Wednesday 20 November 8:00pm Sydney Parent TBC (gay dad) Register
Wednesday 4 December 8:00pm Sydney Surrogate TBC Register
Wednesday 18 December 8:00pm Sydney Parent TBC (straight mum) Register

Interested in being a co-host?

Read more about it here

Previous co-hosts:

Intended parents Surrogates
Sarah Wright from SA – 2 June 2021 Danni Duivesteyn from SA – 26 May 2021
Kristy Green from ACT – 16 June 2021 Madeline Greenberg from SA – 9 June 2021
Martin Smith from VIC – 30 June 2021 Sarah Bagnall from ACT – 23 June 2021
Lisa and Henry Leggett from VIC – 14 July 2021 Leanne Mackay from NSW – 7 July 2021
Paul Nixon from QLD – 28 July 2021 Hayley Christidis from WA – 21 July 2021
Jessie Schuhart McRae from QLD – 18 Aug 2021 Charmaine Staal from QLD – 4 Aug 2021
Mahesh Oliver from NSW – 1 Sept 2021 Machelle Young from QLD – 8 Sep 2021
Leah Ellis from NSW – 15 Sept 2021 Erinna Lake from QLD – 6 Oct 2021
Brendan Campbell from SA – 29 Sept 2021 Kirsty-Lea Savage from QLD – 3 Nov 2021
Hannah (single mum) from SA – 13 Oct 2021 Amanda Meehan from VIC – 24 Nov 2021
Dwayne Jude from QLD – 27 Oct 2021 Fiona (Fee) Morrison from NSW – 22 Dec 2021
Trudy Bateman from NSW – 17 Nov 2021 Jodie Thompson from WA – 19 Jan 2022
Josh Bowman-Pinnock from ACT – 8 Dec 2021 Beth Williams from VIC – 23 Feb 2022
Tyson Smith from VIC – 12 Jan 2022 Jacinta Walker from VIC – 23 March 2022
Kate Manning from WA – 9 Feb 2022 Megan Novella-Giunta from NSW – 13 April 2022
Warwick Scott from NSW – 2 Mar 2022 Mollie D’Arcy from TAS – 25 May 2022
Meagan White from TAS – 16 Mar 2022 Merindah Overhall from NSW – 6 July 2022
Chris from VIC – 6 April 2022 Madeline Greenberg from NSW – 27 July 2022
Flick Kennedy from ACT – 27 April 2022 Melanie Lee from NSW – 17 August 2022
Will Novella-Reilly from NSW – 18 May 2022 Marnie McIntyre from NSW – 28 Sep 2022
Sarah Wright from SA – 8 June 2022 Lee Bagshaw from SA – 26 Oct 2022
Aaron Leach from SA – 29 June 2022 Meagan Godwill from VIC – 23 Nov 2022
Kristy Green from ACT – 20 July 2022 Leanne McKay from NSW – 25 Jan 2023
Mitchell Page from QLD – 10 Aug 2022 Rachel Staples from SA – 1 Mar 2023
Kate (when surrogacy didn’t work) from VIC – 31 Aug 2022 Allison Lowden from NSW – 29 Mar 2023
Dan Atkinson from NSW – 21 Sep 2022 Rach Summer from FNQ – 26 April 2023
Jessie Schuhart McRae from QLD – 12 Oct 2022 Kate Smith from NSW – 31 May 2023
Mahesh Oliver from NSW – 9 Nov 2022 Kristen McCubbin from FNQ – 28 June 2023
Meg Lowry from QLD – 14 Dec 2022 Jemma Doig from NQ – 2 Aug 2023
Matt Longobardi from SA – 11 Jan 2023 Sarah Brión from SA – 30 Aug 2023
Sarah Norton from ACT – 8 Feb 2023 Danni Andrews from SA – 4 Oct 2023
Adam Absolon from QLD – 15 Mar 2023 Jess Beaven from SA – 1 Nov 2023
Lauryn Jordan from NSW – 12 April 2023 Talitha Selznick from QLD – 6 Dec 2023
Dane Towns from NSW – 17 May 2023 Lisa Capozzi from NSW – 25 Jan 2024
Deb Bali from ACT – 14 June 2023 Angela Wood from NSW – 21 Feb 2024
Adam Zuchetti from NSW – 19 July 2023 Rachel Morrison from VIC – 27 Mar 2024
Elle Turner from SA – 16 Aug 2023 Nikita Pearson from QLD – 24 April 2024
Josh Moorfield-Cryer from QLD – 20 Sep 2023
Anna McKie (celebrating 100 webinars! 🎉)
from SA – 1 May 2024
Troy and Nathan from NSW – 22 Nov 2023 Janna from SA – 29 May 2024
Angela Pavone from VIC – 20 Dec 2023 Zoe Smith from NSW – 26 June 2024
Andrew Pennington from ACT – 10 Jan 2024 Laura Rocca from SA – 31 July 2024
Mira Haddad from NSW – 7 Feb 2024 Bonnie from QLD – 28 Aug 2024
Sam Brightford from NSW – 13 Mar 2024
Bell Nuske from SA – 10 April 2024
Jay Bowen from VIC – 15 May 2024
Menaka Louis from QLD – 12 June 2024
Sam Whelan (single dad) from VIC – 17 July 2024
Candice Crowley from SA – 14 Aug 2024

Previous Psychologist co-hosts:

Psychologist Their website
Narelle Dickinson Queensland Family and Fertility Support
Sarah-Jayne Duryea Happy Minds Psychology
Katrina Hale Katrina Hale Psychology
Psychologist Themed webinar
Katrina Hale How to tell your child their birth story
Katrina Hale Love Languages
Narelle Dickinson Is Traditional surrogacy ‘riskier’ than gestational?
Katrina Hale Team Culture

Previous Lawyer co-hosts:

Lawyer Their website
Sarah Bevan Sarah Bevan Family Lawyers

Previous Lawyer co-hosts:

Doctor Their website
Dr Shadi Khashaba IVFAustralia
Themed webinars
Inducing Lactation 3 Mums through surrogacy whop induced lactation – Trudy, Hannah and Kelli
Partners of surrogates 3 Partners of Australian surrogates – Jayden, Kelly and Troy
How to find a surrogate 3 sets of Intended Parents – Trudy, Alex and Carlo, Sue

Further reading as mentioned in the webinars